The conference payment and registry are open!

Dear DiGRA participants and attendees, After technical formalities to increase the security of the conference website, we opened the registry and paid for the conference. We are looking to improve the current options and keep you updated. The conference registry is critical to creating the entire program; thank you for your support.
Please refer to the Registry section and the registration link submenu on this website or follow this link.

2 responses to “The conference payment and registry are open!”

  1. Greetings! I would like to inquire regarding the submission deadline for the camera-ready papers/abstracts. I am aware of how the early-bird registration deadline has been postponed to mid May while the submission deadline for camera-ready papers/abstract remains to be 1 May. I have registered last week as instructed. However, I have yet to receive any updates on a revised submission deadline nor how to submit – may I know if I have missed anything? Your reply would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    • Dear Jamie Tse,
      For some situations out of control, we could only register payments after 15th April and the entire data register. We decided to move the “early bird” cost of the conference fee for all attendees to support. However, after the 15th of May, attendees can continue to register but with a regular fee. However, this process is not fully linked to the requirement of the camera-ready papers/abstract that is required to be on that time, so our program committee can prepare with enough time for the program and the proceedings. But you can be sure if the camera is ready on your submission, there is any issue; the program committee will contact you to commit on time. Thank you for your reply and do not hesitate to contact us if you have more questions.

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